Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Basic Data

Official Country Name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Region (Map name): Caribbean
Population: 115,461
Language(s): English, French patois
Literacy rate: 96%

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, located in the Caribbean Sea north of Trinidad and Tobago, is a study in contrasts. The main island, Saint Vincent, is rugged with volcanic mountains and is relatively underdeveloped, while the 30 islands and cays that comprise the Grena-dines boast bare coral reefs and cater to well-heeled tourists and yachters. In the eighteenth century, ownership of the islands was disputed between France and Britain, but control finally ceded to Britain in 1783. The country declared independence in 1979, but the administration of the Grenadines is divided between Saint Vincent and Grenada. Heading the state is the British monarch, represented locally by a Governor General. A Prime Minister heads the government. The legislative branch is comprised of a 21-member House of Assembly. The official language is English, but many speak French patois. The population is approximately 116,000, and the literacy rate is 96 percent. Agriculture, especially banana production, dominates the economy, but tourism also plays a major role and represents the country's best chance to diversify its economy and increase prosperity.

The press is independent and free, but there are some restrictions levied on the government-owned radio station—specifically, call-in shows are prohibited. Although equal access to radio broadcasting is mandated, the government in power does not always adhere to this rule. The Herald is the only daily newspaper in the country, and it bills itself as the first. It publishes in print and online. There are six independent weekly newspapers: The Independent Weekly, The News, Searchlight, The Vincentian, The Westindian Crusader, and The Star. Justice, a weekly, is the mouthpiece of the United People's Movement. The New Democratic Party is affiliated with The New Times, a weekly, and Unity, which appears fortnightly, is supported by the United Labor Party.

There are four radio stations, one AM and three FM, serving 77,000 radios. One television station broadcasts to 18,000 televisions. There are 15 Internet service providers.


"Country Profile," BBC (2000). Available from http:// .

The Herald, (2000) Home Page. Available from http:// .

"St. Vincent and the Grenadines," CIA World Factbook (2001). Available from .

"St. Vincent and the Grenadines," Freedom House (2000). Available from .

"St. Vincent & The Grenadines," Lonely Planet (2002). Available from .

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Broadcasting Corp. Ltd.(2002) Home Page. Available from http://www.svgbc. com/news.htm .

Jenny B. Davis

Also read article about Saint Vincent and the Grenadines from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

please tell me what happening in the protect in st.vincent and i find it a shame and disgrace we don't need that in our country thank you

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